Jazz Promotions, Consultancy, Project Management, Agency
Jazz Promotions, Consultancy, Project Management, Agency
A Canadian native born in Montreal of an American jazz pianist father and a bohemian English mother – it was inevitable that Danielle White would end up working in a creative industry.
Her early career in a variety of sales and advertising positions combined with a penchant for promotions led her into the risky businesses of publishing. With a talented son who was the local rising star jazz trumpeter to promote and it being in her nature to eschew the usual nine to five, Danielle created a local arts publication magazine to effectively kill two birds with one stone.
Danielle’s collaboration with the UK jazz icon Courtney Pine who produced and recorded Empirical’s award-winning debut in 2007 cemented Danielle’s reputation as one of the foremost jazz managers in the UK.
In the course of her many years of working with cultural organisations Danielle has gained the trust and respect of directors and promoters and has, indeed, cultivated many friendship within the industry. As a result Danielle has been invited to sit on various industry panels and has provided consultancy services on a number of occasions for events and festivals such as Glasgow In’l Jazz Festival; Harrogate International Festival’s Speigeltent programme and the jazz series at The Old Town Hall, Hemel Hempstead to name a few. As a result Danielle holds a large database of personal and professional contacts within the industry.
Established in 2012 Danielle’s E-blast service combines her many areas of expertise: sales, publishing, promotions, marketing, jazz industry knowledge with her hefty contacts list to enable jazz artists to raise their profiles by promoting their projects and new album releases directly to promoters.
For more on this unique and effective concept click right here.
“Within hours of Danielle sending out our E-blast we got the call from The Vancouver International Jazz Festival.” Shabaka Hutchings, Sons of Kemet